Latest Episodes

Trailer - X Minus One - Ep. 29
FULL EPISODE NOW AVAILABLE! With an office in New York and an assistant to fetch her coffee, Madison is ready to be a detective...

Ep. 28 - The Wizard of Oz
**Our 2nd Anniversary Special!** Thanks to the Lux Radio Theater, we have this 1950 broadcast of "The Wizard of Oz." When Madison steps into...

Trailer - The Wizard of Oz - Ep. 28
FULL EPISODE NOW AVAILABLE **Our 2nd Anniversary Special!** Thanks to the Lux Radio Theater, we have this 1950 broadcast of “The Wizard of Oz.”...

Bonus Feature - "Richard Diamond, Private Detective" - History of Cheetos
Madison talks with our creator, Chrisi Talyn Saje, about the history of Cheetos, the Frito-Lay company, and the controversy around Flamin' Hot Cheetos.

Ep. 27 - Richard Diamond, Private Detective - "The Canary & The Seal"

Trailer - Richard Diamond, Private Detective - Ep. 27