Latest Episodes

Trailer - The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Ep. 19
FULL EPISODE AVAILABLE NOW! Another visit to 1890's London to housesit for Dr. Watson leads Madison on a new adventure with Sherlock Holmes. This...

Bonus Feature - Quack Doctors
There have always been plagues, and with them, quack doctors. Madison chats with David Pinion, who played our quack doctor in "The Story of...

Ep. 18 - The Story of Dr. Kildare - "Dr. Conlin, Quack"

Trailer - The Story of Dr. Kildare - Ep. 18
FULL EPISODE AVAILABLE NOW! When Madison takes a gig as a candy striper at Blair General Hospital, she finds herself recruited by the hunky...

Bonus Feature - Kato & Asian Americans in Hollywood
BONUS FEATURE! Join “Madison on the Air” cast member and voice of our Kato in "The Green Hornet" Steve Jun, for this hour long...

Bonus Feature - Telephones
In "The Green Hornet," Madison gets introduced to a "public phone" and from there we decided to showcase fun phone facts from telephone history ...