Latest Episodes

Trailer - Dracula - Ep. 12
FULL EPISODE AVAILABLE NOW! It's the HALLOWEEN episode of “Madison on the Air”! Join us for our adaptation of the 1949 radio broadcast of...

Bonus Feature - Photo Manipulation
BONUS FEATURE! Madison chats with Jeremy Saje about the history of Photo Manipulation. From 1800's etching to modern day selfie filters, you can never...

Ep. 11 - Casey, Crime Photographer - "Photo of the Dead"
A phony psychic claims to be able to contact the dead and supplies the photos that prove it (and, this is BEFORE Photoshop, okay!)...

Trailer - Casey, Crime Photographer - Ep. 11
FULL EPISODE AVAILABLE NOW! A phony psychic claims to be able to contact the dead and supplies the photos that prove it (and, this...

Bonus Feature - The Shadow - "The Secret of the Shadow"
BONUS FEATURE! Many popular old time radio shows have episodes lost to time. A fan and collector of “The Shadow” brought us the script...

Bonus Feature - Sanitariums
BONUS FEATURE! "Madison's Mad Facts" Madison talks to David Pinion, the voice of our Rocky Jordan, about the history of sanitariums. Once an essential...