On her first dangerous assignment as a government agent, Madison is sent to Haiti to retrieve lost anti-submarine plans. But Madison knows the assignment is really a cover story for her big birthday celebration! Madison accepts her Birthday Quest and travels deep into the Haitian jungle for the ultimate party. But obstacles stand her way including a magazine photographer, a Haitian jungle guide, a folklore professor, a white plant man, and a boy in a leather flight jacket. And are those Vodou drums really for Madison's party, or something else? Join us for Madison's craziest birthday ever!
Find us on the web: MadisonOnTheAir.com
FULL EPISODE AVAILABLE NOW! Writer Damon Runyon created fun and enduring characters from the grifters, gamblers and other colorful folks who lived their lives...
It’s time again for our Halloween episode! And what better master of the macabre than Edgar Allan Poe. The horror anthology show, “Inner Sanctum”...
FULL EPISODE AVAILABLE NOW! OMG you guys, there are too many spoilers for this one! Let’s just say: Madison, Kato, a corpse that disappears,...