Celebrate our one year anniversary with an EXTENDED episode of Madison on the Air!
From 1955-1962, “Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar” was produced as a 5 part weekday serial. We have taken one of those shows and put it together into one long playing episode. Madison tries her hand at selling life insurance, only to have one of her first clients die under mysterious circumstances. The man with the action packed expense account, insurance investigator Johnny Dollar, is sent to discover the truth. Madison tags along, hoping to mentor under Johnny, as they speak to a widow, the stripper girlfriend, professional gamblers, a steamy Latina, an erudite bartender and more. Gun shots, fist fights and some tasty Mediterranean food in our episode entitled, “The Caylin Matter.”
Find us on the web: MadisonOnTheAir.com
FULL EPISODE AVAILABLE NOW! The OG, King of them all, PSA on drugs is “Reefer Madness.” But those filmmakers weren’t the only ones warning...
FULL EPISODE AVAILABLE NOW! When Madison takes a gig as a candy striper at Blair General Hospital, she finds herself recruited by the hunky...
FULL EPISODE AVAILABLE NOW! Another visit to 1890's London to housesit for Dr. Watson leads Madison on a new adventure with Sherlock Holmes. This...