Latest Episodes

Trailer - Candy Matson: YUkon 2-8209 - Ep. 14
FULL EPISODE AVAILABLE NOW! A female detective from 1949? You better believe it! Madison joins up with Candy Matson to discover the mystery of...

Bonus Feature - 1950's Sci-Fi
BONUS FEATURE! Madison chats with our resident Martian, Jerry Kokich, about the science fiction boom of the 1950’s and how the otherworldly themes reflected...

Ep. 13 - Dimension X - "The Parade"

Trailer - Dimension X - Ep. 13
FULL EPISODE AVAILABLE NOW! Madison takes a job as a secretary at a top publicity house in New York City. When a new client...

Bonus Feature - Halloween 1930s-1950s
BONUS FEATURE! You think Halloween during COVID was bad, Madison talks with Steve Jun about the struggles to keep the holiday alive through the...

Ep. 12 - Dracula - Stage 49