Latest Episodes

Trailer - Rogue's Gallery - Ep. 39
FULL EPISODE AVAILABLE NOW! Madison finds herself in the shoes of Private Detective, Richard Rogue -- and it appears he hasn’t fully vacated them....

Ep. 38 - Miracle on 34th Street - The Lux Radio Theatre

Trailer - Miracle on 34th Street - Ep. 38
FULL EPISODE AVAILABLE NOW! You’ve heard the story of the Macy’s Santa Claus claiming to be the real Saint Nick? Well, this time, Madison...

Ep. 37 - The Damon Runyon Theatre - "Madame La Gimp"
Writer Damon Runyon created fun and enduring characters from the grifters, gamblers and other colorful folks who lived their lives on Broadway. Madison stops...

Trailer - The Damon Runyon Theatre - Ep. 37
FULL EPISODE AVAILABLE NOW! Writer Damon Runyon created fun and enduring characters from the grifters, gamblers and other colorful folks who lived their lives...

Bonus Feature - Madison's Monster Mash-up!
BONUS FEATURE Get your ghoul on with this Monster Double Feature! First, from year one, Madison faces the world's most notorious vampire, Dracula, adapted...